SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Administration

Algebra d.o.o.
Maksimirska 58a
10000 Zagreb
Slavićeva 15
21000 Split
Špire Brusine 16/2
23000 Zadar
Adama Reisnera 74
31000 Osijek
U kombinaciji s osnovnim znanjima operacijskog sustava Linux, tečaj SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Administration uči polaznike osnovne vještine administriranja SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.

Polaznici će naučiti kako instalirati i konfigurirati SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, te upravljati pokretanjem sustava i njegovim procesima. Značajnije teme koje se obrađuju su: Posix ACL, mrežna konfiguracija, sustav ispisa i udaljeni pristup računalima.

Uporabom SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 upoznati ćete se s osnovama administracije operacijskog sustava Linux uključujući instalaciju i konfiguriranje SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10. Također ćete usvojiti znanja konfiguriranja mrežnih uređaja, izrade zaštitnih kopija, sustava za ispis, udaljenog pristupa računalima i izvođenja raznih uobičajenih dnevnih zadataka administracije operacijskog sustava Linux.

Sadržaj seminara:

Section 1: Install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
- Perform a SLES 10 Installation
- Configure the SLES 10 Installation
- Troubleshoot the Installation Process

Section 2: Administer the Linux File System
- Select a Linux File System
- Configure Linux File System Partitions
- Manage Linux File Systems
- Logical Volume Manager (LVM) and Software RAID
- Set Up and Configure Disk Quotas

Section 3: Administer User Access and Security
- Configure User Authentication with PAM
- Manage and Secure the Linux User Environment
- Use Access Control Lists (ACLs) for Advanced Access Control

Section 4: Configure the Network Manually
- Understand Linux Network Terms
- Set Up Network Interfaces With the ip Tool
- Set Up Routing With the ip Tool
- Test the Network Connection With Command Line Tools
- Configure Host Name and Name Resolution
- Use the NetworkManager to Configure the Network

Section 5: Administer Linux Processes and Services
- View and Manage Processes
- Schedule Jobs

Section 6: Monitor SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
- Monitor a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 System
- Use System Logging Services
- Monitor Login Activity

Section 7: Configure System Initialization
- Describe the Linux Load Procedure
- GRUB (Grand Unified Bootloader)
- Manage Runlevels

Section 8: Manage Software for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
- Manage RPM Software Packages
- Verify and Update Software Library Access

Section 9: Manage Backup and Recovery
- Develop a Backup Strategy
- Backup Files with YaST
- Create Backups with tar
- Work with Magnetic Tapes
- Copy Data with dd
- Mirror Directories with rsync
- Automate Data Backups with cron

Section 10: Manage Printing
- Configure Local Printing
- Manage Print Jobs and Queues
- Understand how CUPS Works
- Configure and Manage a Print Server
- Use the Web Interface to Manage a CUPS Server

Section 11: Configure Remote Access - Provide Secure Remote Access With OpenSSH
- Enable Remote Administration With YaST

Ovaj tečaj je idealan za polaznike koji su usvojili znanja iz tečaja SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Fundamentals (tečaj 3071) i sada žele usvojiti detaljna znanja koja administrator operacijskog sustava Linux mora rutinski obavljati na SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.

Ovaj tečaj zajedno s tečajevima SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Fundamentals i SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Advanced Administration Vas pripremaju za ispit Novell Certified Linux Professional 10 (Novell CLP 10) certification Practicum (050-697).

  • Upis u radnu knjižicu: ne
  • Certifikat: da
  • Uvjerenje: ne
  • In-house: ne
  • Svjedodžba: ne
  • Diploma: ne