Implementing MS Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004

Housing d.o.o.
Zaharova 7
10000 Zagreb
Tel: 01/4878-999
Fax: 01/4878-998
Cilj seminara je steći znanja i vještine potrebne za upravljanje mrežnim sustavima, davanje podrške korisnicima i troubleshooting.


  1. Intruduction to ISA Server 2004
  2. Installing ISA Server 2004
  3. Securing and Maintaining ISA Server 2004
  4. Installing and Managing ISA Server Clients
  5. Enabling Secure Internet Access with ISA Server 2004
  6. Implementing ISA Server Caching
  7. Configuring ISA Server as a Firewall
  8. Implementing ISA Server Publishing
  9. Integrating ISA Server 2004 and Exchange Server
  10. Configuring Virtual Private Networks for Remote Clients and Networks
  11. Implementing Monitoring and Reporting
  12. Implementing ISA Server 2004, Enterprise Edition
  13. Planning and Installing ISA Server 2004
  14. Installing and Configuring Client Computers
  15. Configuring and Managing ISA Server 2004
  16. Configuring Web Caching
  17. Configuring Firewall Policy
  18. Configuring and Managing Remote Network Connectivity
  19. Monitoring and Reporting ISA Server 2004 Activity

Nastavni materijal

Implementing MS Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 Training Kit, Microsoft Press
Priručnik Implementing MS Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 (70-350)
Ostali materijali po preporuci predavača

  • Upis u radnu knjižicu: ne
  • Certifikat: ne
  • Uvjerenje: da
  • In-house: ne
  • Svjedodžba: ne
  • Diploma: ne