SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Networking

Algebra d.o.o.
Maksimirska 58a
10000 Zagreb
Slavićeva 15
21000 Split
Špire Brusine 16/2
23000 Zadar
Adama Reisnera 74
31000 Osijek
Ovaj tečaj je prvi u nastavnom planu CLE10 za SUSE Enterprise Server 10. Polaznici bi trebali znati područja koja se uče u tri Novellova tečaja iz CLP 10 (tečajevi 3071, 3072 i 3073).

Ovaj tečaj obrađuje područja instaliranja i konfiguriranja servisa koji su potrebni u tipičnom poslovnom mrežnom okruženju. Stoga je vrlo bitan za unapređenje znanja administratora sustava koji želi postati administrator mrežnih servisa.


Naučene vještine na tečaju SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10: Networking Services (tečaj 3074) vam omogućuju:
- unapređivanje i pojednostavljivanje postavki mreže računala postavljanjem osnovnih mrežnih servisa kao što su: DNS, DHCP i poslužitelj elektroničke pošte
- nadgledanje mrežnih protokola kako bi se sve odvijalo bez prekida u radu

Sadržaj seminara:

Section 1 - Manage DNS
- Understand the Domain Name System
- Install and Configure the BIND Server Software
- Configure a DNS Server
- Configure the DNS Clients
- Forward DNS Requests
- Configure Access, Logging, and Security
- Configure Dynamic DNS
- Understand Special Aspects of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
- Monitor the DNS Server
- Troubleshooting

Section 2 - Manage DHCP
- Understand How DHCP Works
- Configure the DHCP Server
- Configure DHCP Clients
- Configure a DHCP Relay Server
- Use DHCP and Dynamic DNS
- Configure DHCP Pools
- Configure DHCP Failover
- Troubleshoot DHCP

Section 3 - Manage OpenLDAP
- Understand the Basics of LDAP
- Install and Set Up an OpenLDAP Server
- Add Entries to the LDAP Server
- Query Information from the LDAP Server
- Delete and Modify Entries of the LDAP Server
- Activate LDAP Authentication
- Replicate OpenLDAP Servers

Section 4 - Manage a Mail Server
- Understand the Function of Mail Agents
- Use the Basic Linux mail Command
- Understand the Architecture and Components of Postfix
- Start, Stop, and Reinitialize Postfix
- Configure Postfix
- Use Postfix Tools
- Receive Email over IMAP and POP3
- Manage Spam
- Use Virus Scanner for Email

Section 5 - Use OpenSLP
- Understand What OpenSLP Is
- Understand the SLP Agents
- Configure OpenSLP
- Use SLP Frontends

Section 6 - Monitor Network Traffic
- Use ntop to Monitor Network Traffic
- Use Nagios to Monitor Hosts, Services, and Networks
- Troubleshoot the Network with Ethereal and tcpdump
- Manage Network Devices with SNMP

Appendix: Live Fire Exercise
- Combine Samba and OpenLDAP
- Prepare the OpenLDAP Directory
- LDAP Options of Samba

Polaznici koji pristupaju ovom tečaju moraju uspješno položiti ispit Novell Certified Linux Professional 10 certification Practicum (050-697) ukoliko žele pristupiti ispitu Certified Linux Engineer 10 Practicum (050-698).

Priprema za ispit:
Ovaj tečaj zajedno s tečajem SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10: Security (tečaj 3075) je idealna priprema za ispit Novell Certified Linux Engineer 10 Practicum (050-698).

  • Upis u radnu knjižicu: ne
  • Certifikat: da
  • Uvjerenje: ne
  • In-house: ne
  • Svjedodžba: ne
  • Diploma: ne