Informatika - Hewlett Packard
Ukupno: 206
5 dana
This 5-day course provides a comprehensive and accelerated understanding of SAN technologies and concepts.
4 dana
This course is designed to prepare systems engineers to install configure, and troubleshoot ProCurve Networking by HP switching, routing and mobility products.
3 dana
This 3-day instructor-led course provides students with the enabling knowledge and skills required to create Microsoft .NET Applications with Visual Studio 2005. Students learn how to develop secured .NET applications.
2 dana
This instructor led training course covers the advanced configuration and troubleshooting of the HP Remote Graphics (RGS) software in an HP Blade Workstation or Consolidated Client Infrastructure (CCI) solution.
2 sata
This self-paced CD/WBT provides servicing and support information for HP Remote Graphics Software.
2 dana
This instructor led training course covers the advanced configuration and troubleshooting of the HP Session Allocation Manager (SAM) software in an HP Blade Workstation or Consolidated Client Infrastructure (CCI) solution.
3 dana
This intensive, hands-on 3-day course provides a practical introduction to developing rich Internet applications using ASP.NET AJAX, VB or C#, and Visual Studio 2005.
5 dana
In this course, you'll learn how to use Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Basic 2005 or Visual C# 2005 to build ASP.NET 2.0 Web pages and XML Web services.
3 dana
This 3-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to utilize Windows PowerShell for administering and automating administration of Windows Server 2008. The course focuses on cmdlets, script structure and flow control, language syntax, and implementation details of scripting administrative tasks using COM, WMI, and .NET foundations.
4 dana
Building ProCurve Resilient, Adaptive Networks describes techniques for implementing resilient switched and routed converged networks capable of fulfilling the “triple play” requirement of supporting voice, video, and data transmissions on a unified infrastructure. The course will make use of the ProVision family of switches, including the 8212zl, 5400zl, 3500yl, and 6200yl.
Tražilica - upišite pojam koji tražite:
In-house:    Traži

Edukacija i savjetovanje trebalo bi biti prisutno i važno svima onima koji uvijek žele biti korak ispred konkurencije. Cilj nam je klijenta uvesti u svijet ICT-a te unaprijediti i usavršiti njegovo poslovanje na internetu.

Uslugama savjetovanja nastojimo pomoći u izradi najboljeg koncepta za web projekt i pomoći oko informatičke edukacije.

Pregled seminara:

- Online oglašavanje
- Online media planiranje
- Internet (online) prodaja
- SEO edukacija